This is the blog of the recently formed austrian "innergebirgs-metal" band
"Metal of Honor"

MOH is growing (maybe)

Posted by typeOneg

hi there,

here are some very hot news: there's a chance that we get a 2nd guitar-player soon. currently we stay in touch with him and invite him for a few sessions with us.

so, stay tuned and play it loud.

posted by typeOneg @ 13:44, ,

New gear

Posted by typeOneg

hi there,

a few days ago, we extended our equipment. for our recordings and to to have more possibilties in experimenting with sounds we bought the "line 6 ux 2" device.

i'm very curious about it.

our guitar man also bought a pocket pod from line 6 to be able to do his homework :-)

ANNOUNCEMENT: in a few days there'll be the premiere of the new band logo of moh. i just saw a few cool drafts.

so, as always, stay tuned and play it loud \m/

posted by typeOneg @ 22:49, ,